Friday, April 18, 2008

I'm back..

Hello all,

I am back after a brief hiatus from the blogging world.

Here is an update on what we have accomplished this week.

Block B:

Tue: Assembly
Wed: "Test the Nation" -- Video
Thur: Passed out research paper booklets; discussed how to effectively take notes; went to library
Friday: Computer Lab; research paper (printed out articles); passed back grammar quizzes; submitted topics for research paper

Block D:

Tue: "Test the Nation" -- Video
Wed: Reading; Short-story hand-out; wrote short stories for the remainder of the period; passed in rough copy.
Thur: Passed back grammar quiz, word of the day quiz; Reading; Peer Editing -- Narrative Biographies (now due Monday)
Friday: Introduction to 5 paragraph essay; notes on essays. I will be posting notes on the blog for further info. on essay writing if you wish to print them out.
Homework: Read 5 paragraph essay on "movies" ; create outline