- Grammar Quiz
- Worked on upcoming projects
Have a great weekend!! Remember that your Alphabetical Autobiographies (rough draft) are dueWednesday, March 5th:)
Have a great weekend!! Remember that your Alphabetical Autobiographies (rough draft) are dueWednesday, March 5th:)
Good luck studying. Please don't freak out about this quiz; if you know the material, it will be a breeze!
Block B:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D: (Substitute -- I was at a workshop)
Block B:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D:
Block D: No class today due to weather.
**When dowloading a files for this class you should click on the link & scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the orange button that says "Download File". If the file doesn't pop up, you may have to scroll up until you see"Your download should begin shortly.If it does not, try "download now". Click on the "download now" and you should be good to go! Good Luck!
Block D:
Block D:
Block D:
Thursday, Feb.7
Block B:
Block D: shortened class due to exam review